
  1. D

    What would happen to ur Credit Card after u die?

    FWD MAIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You would do well to cancel your Credit Card before you die.. Else .... Here is a true conversation transcript with Citi Bank Callcentre. This is so priceless, and so very...
  2. B

    Bingo Card

    This guy had a very attractive wife, who always wanted clothes, jewelry, etc, but he was not too well off. One day his wife came home with a diamond necklace. This guy asked: "Where did you get that? “Wife said: "I won it at bingo." The next night she came home with a mink coat. The guy asked...
  3. ......

    when is hirelings introduced in munchkin card games?

    which expansion is it introduced in?
  4. B

    KE990: how can I have my massages on memory card and not on the phone's

    internal memory? I don't want to delete them!!
  5. K

    as a newbie to internet....i somehow charges more than stated ona card how

    do i cancell any membership tp gran? while looking for information about finaning education i inadvertenly aquired pending fee from grant pro not what i initially requested.....please help me not sure how to get back to unsubscribe
  6. R

    Graphics card and RAM question for a computer newbie.?

    I have a Toshiba Satellite L300 07R laptop. I use it for mainly just normal computer stuff but I do have a few games I like to play on it. Problem is, my laptop is definitely not prime gaming computer technology so these games lag a lot on it. I was wondering what the best solution would be. I...
  7. P

    i have a massage envy gift card so do i have to be a member to use it?

    i have a giftcard but im not a member so do i have to be a member to use it? to massage envy
  8. Fitch

    I sold a massage gift card last Feb to a guy for his vday sweetie He now

    wants to regift to new gf! What 2 do? Last Feb, I sold a 1.5 hour massage gift certificate to a client's brother for his "then" girlfriend for v-day! The girlfriend has never used it so now he would like me to re-issue another gift certificate so he can re-gift it to another person for this...
  9. A

    Chase credit card for newbie...?

    I've had checking account with Chase for over year now, and now i'm planning to sign up for a Chase credit card. Does anyone know what would be the best for me? btw, im 19, and will only need the credit card for school purchases, night outs, and some clothing. any help will be really...
  10. S

    Why do you have to have credit card are a debit card to go online to chat with

    people your age that is getting? giving out your numbers on a credit card are a debit card that that is personal I only want to chat with Ladies only in the chat rooms nothing more