
  1. B

    Krayjee little secret

    Had a long conversation with the boss at E&M. Got some good info about Krayjee. Feel sorry for the guy.
  2. Leviathan

    Let’s find Waldo WUT and Krayjee ?

    Banned Krayjee fake handles with my rim licker WUT dog aka seizetheday :)
  3. L

    Krayjee no cum

    Gurls say Krayjee no can cum say no gev mony. Lie no girl toch krayjee herpes and disease
  4. L

    Krayjee infected 2 more girls

    Give mor herpes
  5. L

    Krayjee no get hard

    Girl say Krayjee no hard lie say he try and say no tell no hard. Krayjee disease no girl tuch him he say get but all girl say no touch him disease no hard krayjee why no tell you disease herpes
  6. L

    Krayjee lie no girl touch

    No girl touch Krayjee he get money make stoey do girl make busy. He try touch girl they tell no. Krayjee dusease herpes
  7. L

    Krayjee is a bottom

    My frend see happen at room an run out
  8. D

    Krayjee involved I'm staying away

    Reading these Asian spa reviews. It appears kraygee is a old pathetic manipulative white man. Who used these spas for free services in exchange for promoting them. I will stay away and stick to premier spas. He has probably given these girls herpes or worse as you're just an opportunist. You...
  9. B

    Krayjee cant get it up

    I found it very amusing when I went to one of my regulars who has been promoted by the Thai boy Krayjee. She told me that Krayjee hasn’t been unable to get it up with anyone at their facility. We had a great laugh. She told me the girls who he talks about including herself have been witness to...
  10. TherealPuneetJr


    where is he
  11. Nanziqi


    What happen with him?I am missing his reviews and updates on the spas.
  12. TheKWguy

    Krayjee just said Mileage = Old Pussy I am not Ursus and I've never seen those women. Krayjee just said that eating 50-60 year old pussy is ok. No it's not, normal people don't pay for that. Instead of accepting another members point of view, he bashes them because...
  13. L

    No girl see Krayjee he lie

    I find out that girls Krayjee day see tell him no see. Krayjee lie say see girl but I know girl he say see tell me he lie and they never touch him they say he dirty disease. Why you lie krayjee no girl touch you
  14. L

    Krayjee test positive Aids

    I wit him for result
  15. Ursus

    Krayjee, you are even better than I thought

    Krayjee, I have to give you compliments. You are even better than I imagined. I didn't realize until 2 days ago that Leviathan was your handle. I had always wondered why Leviathan bumped your threads over and over again to the point of helping your threads get more views, but now I finally...
  16. Leviathan

    Love Story of Maylee and Krayjee

    Krayjee, the narcissist and psychopath, can’t see what he has become. In his mind he really thinks he is helping these gals. On a Maylee thread on Terb, Krayjee bragged how he “made her “ with reviews etc etc, The truth? Maylee had a pimp, Mike, that was exploting her her the same as...
  17. Leviathan

    Steve@TOG pimp puking on pimp Krayjee publicly

    Originally Posted on by oriental guy aka Steve@TOG Hi, guys, the reasons We banned this Thai Creep Krayjee thief are: 1. I found accidentally in a Korean bar that he shot a lot of our sps's video including some girls's session and forwarded to his dick head friends without the sps'...
  18. Leviathan

    The Love Story of Young Viet girl Camo and Krayjee

    Once upon a time Steve@TOG had dumped Krayjee as his shill and sampler at a discount. So Krayjee went to now defunct Jackie@toe88 and told him he can help build his agency because of his large following on terb. Jackie bought the game so Krayjee had a field day. Krayjee had his eye on a young...
  19. Leviathan

    The Story of Krayjee and Sweet Melody

    I will share with you the story of Melody. She was an U of T student that called Krayjee because of his reputation of helping girls. Melody was an ex SP at an agency. She did not want to go back to work . But she was looking for a sugar daddy for an exclusive relationship to pay her expenses...