
  1. I

    DoNT PLaY WiTH BaBiES <*>

    Don't Play with Babies Scroll Down a bit he eh eh eh h eh :ohyeah::ohyeah::lol::lol::rofl::rofl::rofl:
  2. U

    System of a Down-Chop Suey - A child's play

    YouTube - System of a Down - Chop Suey :D
  3. R

    Do ya wanna Play ?

    Do ya wanna Play ? if u do, somone, just might "CHEER" u like this . . . . . So, do ya wanna play.... buddy ?:rocky: :smoke:
  4. C

    12 Funny Pranks To Play While Answering the Phone

    1. Say "Hello Chinese take out how may I take your order" in an Chinese accent 2. Say "What the " and hit a number bleeping a word out. Make this into a little conversation acting like you are cussing them out. 3. Start making a bunch of animal noises. 4. Make a message box voice and...
  5. C

    Time to play 3 words

    sure hope not
  6. I

    Play It Where It Lies

    One fine day, Jim and Bob are out golfing. Jim slices his ball deep into a wooded ravine. He grabs his 7-iron and proceeds down the embankment into the ravine -- in search of his lost ball. The brush is quite thick, but Jim searches diligently and suddenly he spots something shiny. As he gets...
  7. M

    3.4 million reasons to play

    August 27, 2011, Kricket Silt, 21 of Hamilton, walked into a variety store at John & Robert streets to purchase her friend cigarettes and bought a quick pick ticket. Now, she is a millionaire! She's not hard on the eyes either, sorry I can't find the link but saw her on the 6:00pm news.
  8. D

    Which actor?Actress would you want to play you?

    As I mentioned in the Distraght thread. Lets have some fun and choose which actor would be most suited to play yourself. We can also assign one for another member. I would love to have Nicolas Cage cast as me.
  9. R

    Hottie ... for fun play tomorrow night - 16/11

    hello there !! Im finally visiting brizzy for work over the next few days. The w/l industry is so much better than melbourne I wouldn't know where to start. So i'm looking for some recommendations !! What ladies do awesome services and fantasies ?? By the way I can remember years ago -...
  10. N

    Play Time!!

    Who's ready to have some fun.....with me :banana1: Starting Tuesday 26th i will be available day and night for 3 days only!! If you haven't yet had the pleasure of meeting me please check out my web-site (details below) then you can contact me via e-mail or mobile. :grin: Come play...
  11. G

    SPS who play porn in the room

    Just wondering if you guys would be distracted if there was porn playing during your session.
  12. D

    Let's Play!

    My goodness that webmistress of ours is effecient! I was slightly tardy with trivia topics this week but she has put them up straight away so now everyone can vote for what they'd like to play. For anyone reading this who has never played trivia or been in the chat room please feel Reviewee...
  13. C

    Play with my juicy....

    Questions!!!! Tomorrow (Wednesday 26th) night's trivia topics will be World Records and Worst Movies of All Time!! I dug up some interesting factoids and horrible movies you will probably regret remembering so be in the chat room at 9pm for kickoff :D See you there! xox :oops: arbie.
  14. T

    Where can I role play?

    I am looking for an opportunity to get into a real role play. Not just an sp putting on an outfit but playing the role, having fun with it, seeing where it will take you. The fantasy of a nurse, secretary, etc. Nothing crazy, just fun. I tried Temptations because they advertised some girls that...
  15. W

    Sauna play?

    This might belong in the ISO but I want to see if any amp girls get naked and join in the sauna and get a bit playful?